Selasa, 3 November 2009

Surat Omak kepado Pengetua SMK Jambatan Bosi

Apo kobar semuo?

Omak ngan abah kau sehat-sehat belako. timo kasihlah Siti dan laki engko, kerano hadiahkan omak dan abah kereto ferari (yang korang boli kek shell.) Omak buat hiasan dokek atas talibesen kito. Abah kau dah lamo idamkan kereto mahal-mahal. Sambil sedut asap rokok danhill tu, dio cakap kek mak , berangan jadi orang kayo. Kalau ado keto lumbo, abah kau dan omak duduk depan sambil pakai cermin mato hitam. Rambut mengerbang ditiup dek angin. Semuo orang kampung terbelalak bijik mato, bertambah hitam hati dek hasad dongki kerano ado orang lobih daripado dio. Biasolah orang Melayu, PHD

Kali ini omak nak bercerito pasal selsemo babi yang berkeliaran kek malaysia dan serato dunio.
Hari tu, omak dapat surat daripado adik kau Leman yang belajar kek sekolah menongah tu. Dio kato cikgu suruh abah sign borang kebenaran suntik vaksin H1N1. Omak dah baco dalam internet, vaksin tu tak berkesan bahkan berbahayo kerano ada kes budak sakit selepas kono injek ngan misi. Omak pun tak setuju ler. Leman kato kalau omak abah tak setuju, tulis surat tak bori kebenaran suntikan. Jadi omak tulislah surat kepado pengetuanyo. Tapi sebelum mak suruh Leman hantar, mak nak mintak korang check gramor omak, kalau-kalau silap nanti malu mak. Maklumlah orang kampung, tak berpelajaran tinggi!
Semak yo, lopeh tu beritahu omak.

Ini surat omak kepado cikgu sekolah pasal kes selsemo babi

From: Sodah binti Jiman Kulop
Date: 4 November 2009
RE: Request for NON-vaccination of my child ,Leman bin Semaon

Dear Principal Joyah (and the nursing staff, Misi Peah),

This letter is to inform you that as a parent of a child in your school, I do not consent to any H1N1 (Swine Flu) vaccination of my child, (Leman bin Semaon), and that if my child is subjected to such a vaccine without my permission, I will consider that a gross violation of not only my parental rights, but the civil rights of my child.

The H1N1 swine flu vaccines currently being given to schoolchildren in Malaysia were approved by the FDA using an unlawful waiver that allowed the vaccines to be approved with absolutely no credible scientific testing. No adequate safety or efficacy testing has been conducted on any of the swine flu vaccines, and those children who are being injected with the vaccines are being treated as human guinea pigs.

H1N1 swine flu has also turned out to be so mild that it can be easily overcome with a healthy immune system aided by healthy levels of circulating vitamin D. My child takes vitamin D supplementation and therefore has an extremely healthy, active immune system that can easily mount its own antibody response against swine flu or other forms of influenza. Because of his immune system health and nutritional regimen, my child poses no health threat as a "carrier" of the swine flu, even without being vaccinated.

As a parent, part of my responsibility to my child is to protect them from potentially dangerous chemicals or unproven medications that may cause neurological side effects. A previous batch of swine flu vaccines in 1976 are now known to have caused Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), a serious neurological disorder that can cause paralysis or death. The risk of such side effects may be small, but they are permanent and not worth the claimed protection against a disease that, according to CDC statistics, is many times less virulent than regular seasonal flu.

Please make note that my child is not to receive any vaccinations without my prior written consent, and that if my child is subjected to vaccines of any kind without such permission, I will immediately seek legal counsel in an attempt to hold your school responsible for all long-term medical costs potentially associated with the vaccine side effects. I will also sue for violation of my child's civil rights.

Should such a scenario unfold, I also plan to go public with this story at both the local and national levels in order to bring increased awareness to this gross violation of parental rights. A copy of this signed and dated letter will be made available to the press to prove that I clearly and specifically requested my child NOT be vaccinated. I will also be happy to provide this documentation to whatever state regulators or law enforcement investigators may become involved at that point.

You may avoid all of this by honoring my request to safeguard my child from any and all H1N1 (Swine Flu) vaccines being given at your school.


(Sodah binti Jiman Kulop)
Kg.Batu Kikir, Kuolo Pilah

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